How to drink ‘Champagne’ 2

Published in
7 min readDec 16, 2022


Hello Cosmonauts! The 2nd testnet champagne will open on December 20th at 22:00 (KST)! So, this post covers the way “How to use our testnet” ver.2


1. Enter in Chrome. Be sure to get into Chrome. Errors may occur if it is not a Chrome browser.

You can change your network here

2. (If you participated in the first testnet) Click the Keplr and delete the nova-testnet from the network. Disconnect the wallet, press the Wallet Connect and the Approve button in order.

For whom particiapte in the first testnet.

3. (If you participated in the first testnet) Press the Wallet Connect, and then press the Approve button.


Get your test tokens from Faucet

1. Click the Copy button in the upper right corner to copy the $NOVA address.

Square for copy

2. Clcik the Faucet button in the header, or enter

Faucet for the test token

3. In Select Chains, select NOVA, COSMOS, OSMOSIS, JUNO each and paste the copied $NOVA address into the Wallet Address. Click the Run button to get the tokens. You must perform this for each chains to receive all four tokens. Be aware, you can only claim the faucet once in 24 hours due to the DDOS attacks. If you need more tokens for the test, feel free to ask in our Discord.

Free money?
You can check the balance of your tokens :)


1. Enter the quantity you want, or click the Max button for all amount you have, and then click the Stake button. The quantity of snATOM you receive will be automatically determined by the current staking ratio. (Refer to the white paper or docs for more information on staking ratio)

Well-done STAKE for you

2. When the transaction is successfully confirmed, the UI shown below appears. When staking of $ATOM has been completed, this UI will automatically disappear, but you can exit it by pressing the X button if you want.

On-going… please be patient
Button for impatience

3. When the staking is completed, it will automatically scroll to the Staked amount UI. However, due to the lazy minting process, it takes up to 10 additional minutes to claim snATOM. (Refer to the white paper or docs for more information on lazy minting.)

Gray is the color for waiting

4. After 10 minutes, press the claim button and accept the transaction from Keplr to receive snATOM.

Black is color to go!


1. Enter the quantity you want, or click the Max button for all amount you have, and then click the unstake button. The quantity of ATOM you receive will be automatically determined by the current staking ratio.

Unstake it

2. When the transaction is successfully confirmed, the UI shown below appears. Press Claim to move to Claim tab.

This Claim button makes you go to claim tab


1. On the Claim tab, you can see when and how much you can receive the unstaked tokens(Total claimable amount + Unstaked amount).

Don’t confuse with the Stake/Claim

2. Tokens can only be claimed after the batch period(2 hours on testnet) + unbonding period(12 hours on testnet). It will take around 14 hours.

Unbonding period is too long

3. After one batch period, you can see specifically when and how many tokens you can receive from receiving details.

Estimated for block time

4. When the claim button is active, you can withdraw the tokens.

Finally you can claim the token


1. Swap allows users to withdraw liquidity immediately without waiting for unbonding and batch periods. At testnet and Genesis, our swap logic will follows the stableswap model until the staked swap has been completed.

2. Enter the quantity you want, or click the Max button or Half button, and then click the Swap button. The quantity of Atom you receive is determined by the Exchange rate below.

Withdraw your liquidity instantly

3. Be careful of Slippage tolerance and Price impact when swapping large quantities of tokens. You can set up the slippage tolerance by pressing the gear button at the top.

Gear second..


1. Not only you can do is swap, but you can also add the liquidity to the pools. You can get swap fees by providing liquidity.

2. Select the pool you want to add liquidty from among the ATOM/snATOM, OSMO/snOSMO, JUNO/snJUNO pools, then click the Add liquidity button.

Get swap fee to add liquidity

3. Enter the quantity you want, or click the Max button or Half button, and then click the Add button. The number of pair tokens added together is automatically determined by the current exchange rate. (LP rewards can only be obtained by staking LP tokens in Pools.)


4. Meanwhile, you can remove liquidity by clicking the Remove liquidity button. Enter the quantity you want, or click the 25% button, 50% button, 75% button, 100% button, and then click the Remove button.

Remove and do another things :)
How many you want?


1. In Pools, you can check information about Pool liquidity. APR and Fees.

Swiming with Supernova Pool

2. (If you don’t add liquidity yet) Click the Add liquidity button.

You can add liquidity in here also

3. (If you add liquidity) Press the Stake LP button to stake the LP tokens. $NOVA incentives can only be obtained by staking LP tokens.

Do it!

4. If your LP tokens staked, the Stake LP button is changed to the + button and the — button. Press + button to further stake LP tokens, press -button to unstake LP tokens.

+, — super simple button for understanding
Do it!

5. Meanwhile, to provide incentives to liquidity providers, some portion of the newly minted $NOVA is provided to each pool. (Refer to docs to check the liquidity gauge). Click the Harvest button to receive the $NOVA earned.

What information do you want?

6. Click the Details drop-down to view more information about the pool (Total LP tokens, my LP tokens)

What information do you want?


1. At validators, you can view Supernova’s validators, staking $NOVA to earn rewards, or participating in governance.

Choose your validator

2. Click the glass button for staking $NOVA.

Check it

3. Enter the quantity you want, or click the Max button, and then click the Delegate button.

Do it!


1. At Proposals, you can see Supernova’s ongoing proposals.

Supernova emphasizes Governance

2. Click the proposal that is during the Voting period, and then press the Vote button to participate the Vote. $NOVA staking must be preceded for a vote.

Click the Vote button
Choose your opinion

3. Meanwhile, you can edit Vote until the Voting Period ends. Click the Edit Vote button to change your vote.

‘Not’ Leave means Leave
Do it!

Disclaimer: This post is for informational purposes only, and the author will not be liable for the consequences arising from any investment or legal decision based on information contained in this post. Nothing contained in this post suggests or recommends investing in any particular asset. Making any decisions based only on the information or content of this post is NOT advised.

