Mapping Forms of Belonging
This is the first of a series of action/workshops which intends to start a collaborative artistic process(es) in the city of Poznan, as well as, opening a discussion about forms of belonging.

Following Aimee Carillo Rowe, be-longing involves the affective and relational, this is the start for naming and imagining location as opposed from identity being an effect of location. Be-longing is an actual inclination towards someone or something. In other words, who/what we long  to be with? and how these politics of relation raises questions about accountability, response ability and social change.  

The workshop is addressed to people from different backgrounds and disciplines living in the city of Poznan, especially useful to designers, artists, curators, cultural agents, interested in exploring and starting a collective process.  

The activities will be facilitated in English and are based on an exercise by Jeanne van Heeswijk and the notion of belonging from Aimee Carillo Rowe's text Be-longing: towards a feminist politics of relation.
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The workshop will happen in two parts, please confirm your availability for the following dates: *
Are you an artist, designer or work in the cultural field? Please share a bit about your background.
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